You can play as X and you pick your stage and once again blast your way through.

Have you ever played a Mega Man game before? Well, you will know what to expect here. They have a kind of realistic vibe to them which does make the characters stand out, but not in a bad way or anything like that. The backgrounds have a ton of polish to them with many things going on. Capcom is the master of this kind of art style and this game is no different. The game sprites in Mega Man X4 are exactly what you would expect. Now, these have aged and can be a tad washed out due to not being in HD, however, you cannot deny the artwork! Some fantastic quality cut scenes feature amazing animation. I even think that this game looks better than the other Mega Man games that had appeared during the 32-bit era before this.

If you look at this game and then one of the Super Nintendo X games, you will notice a massive difference. It is not as convoluted as some of the later Mega Man games would become which I like. There are a few twists and turns and in all, I like the story that Mega Man X4 is telling. The story is interesting enough and it features Reploids becoming Mavericks and two badass Maverick hunters in the form of X and Zero trying to stop them before things get too dangerous. Like most of the other games in the X series, there is a great deal of talking in this game.